Our COViD-19 Response
We are open full time for business!
Our highest priority is to protect both our patients and our staff. We are following all guidelines recommended by the CDC and ADA and as these change often, we are evolving constantly to make sure we are compliant.
Here is what we are asking our patients to do:
- We ask that you wear a mask into the office.
- Try and do the paperwork online if possible.
- Use the hand sanitizer when you come in.
- If you are able to take your temperature at home before you come in, you should do so. If your temperature is at or higher than 100.4 F, we ask that you stay home and give us a call; we will be happy to schedule you a new appointment once your fever has dropped.
And here is what we are doing:
- We have HEPA filtration systems in place in all rooms that filter out 99.72% of all viruses and bacteria in the air.
- We will be taking everyone's temperatures (including our staff) and having every patient fill out a COViD-19 disclosure form.
- All touch surfaces such as door handles and faucets are wiped down hourly by our staff.
- We are constantly monitoring the ADA and CDC sites for any changes in the recommendations of how we need to adapt to ensure everyone is safe in this environment.
- We are vigilantly wearing proper Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to limit interpersonal exposure as much as possible.
- We have installed a plexiglass shield on our front desk to limit the chance of infection upon check-in.
- We have adapted practices in our treatment rooms to improve safety.